IKA LLC Karate School logo

Discover Authentic Martial Arts

We are a self-defense system first and foremost. Our Arts turn the attacker’s own strength and energy against them. Jukido Jujitsu and Kokondo Karate apply traditional techniques to modern circumstances. Whether your attacker is alone, in a group, or armed, you are going to know what to do.




Our Association has two martial arts styles. One is Jukido Jujitsu. The other is Kokondo Karate. The IKA maintains and promotes proper standards and techniques for both arts. The Association certifies its' instructors. A Kokondo dojo does not have annual contracts.

Jukido is a style of Japanese jujitsu. This self-defense art uses throws, joint locks, and groundwork. Pressure points, blocks, kicks, and strikes are also important. You train with a partner, learning how to blend and flow from one technique to the next.

Kokondo Karate is similar but also quite distinct. This art teaches blocks, kicks, and strikes within the framework of kata. We then break these forms down into their practical applications on the street. Practice leads to perfection, creating dynamic strikes against specific targets. Through Kokondo Karate, you achieve maximum effect with debilitating consequences for any attacker.

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