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Discover Authentic Martial Arts

We are a self-defense system first and foremost. Our Arts turn the attacker’s own strength and energy against them. Jukido Jujitsu and Kokondo Karate apply traditional techniques to modern circumstances. Whether your attacker is alone, in a group, or armed, you are going to know what to do.



Both Jukido Jujitsu and Kokondo Karate teach strategies to deal with bullies. When they attack, the assault seems as endless as it is groundless. Many of our Instructors remember similar experiences. Kokondo’s Masters ensure that our time-proven techniques stay effective in all situations, especially bullying.

We instill confidence in the child, allowing them to stand up for themselves with dignity and often non-violently. We help them stop bullies even before they begin.

Kokondo has special classes and events specializing in anti-bullying techniques. These events include the physical, psychological, and Cyber aspects of the modern bully. Kokondo helps children develop strength and confidence.

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